We're in Barbie!

We've been so unbelievably excited to see the new Barbie movie and cannot WAIT for you all to see it as we've got some super special news...

The lovely people at Team Barbie reached out to us last year and asked if they could feature our Tahiti Flamingo plate in the movie - how fab is that?! Better still, this exotic and characterful design actually features as Barbie's very own breakfast plate.



Do let us know if you spot it on the silver screen by dropping us an email at info@mage-dev.saramiller.london or via DM on Instagram @saramillerlondon - we love hearing your feedback! 

In the meantime, whilst we've sold out of the plate of the hour, we've still got plenty of other flamingo goodies you'll be sure to love - from oven gloves to aprons, and even a beautifully flamboyant silk eye mask.